Pricing for Master Web Copywriter Services
A) SEO: Writer Evan Fees
Homepage Content: SEO and Sales-Conversion Copywriting = $1,500-$3,000 (Plus 10% GST)
Set the stage for a great site experience that prompts conversions.
Category Page Update: SEO and Sales-Conversion Copywriting = $500-$1,000/page (Plus 10% GST)
Rewrite the main web pages, such as About, Services, Subscribe.
Product Page Update: SEO and Sales-Conversion Copy = $400-$800/page (Plus 10% GST)
Generate more traffic and sales for each specific product or service.
New Page: SEO and Sales-Conversion Copy = $700-$1,200/page (Plus 10% GST)
Use professional, compelling copy for all new products and services.
Article = $300-$800 each (Plus 10% GST)
Keep visitors coming back and support SEO strength with fresh copy.
Blog Post = $250-$800/post (Plus 10% GST)
Single, topic-specific blog posts, written for readers and SEO.
B) How to Write Effective: B2C (Business to Consumer) Email Copy
Writer Evan Fees: - A series of 3-10 emails at a time, $300 - $2,500
(plus 10% GST)
C) B2B (Business to Business) Email Marketing
Writer Evan Fees: A series of 3-10 emails at a time, $300 - $2,500
(plus 10% GST)
D) Site Audit
Writer Evan Fees: $1,000 - $2,500 (plus 10% GST) to write up a
report (usually 10 to 13 pages with screen shots)