Blog: Slow and steady wins the race!
By Evangelos Papamichael
Ready, set…go!
And the winning ticket goes to the cute curly haired little boy! That was me as a five-year-old running over the finish line at Little Athletics.
First in best dressed
When me or another athlete won or had second or third place. Instead of ribbons trophies or prizes. We were given a paper ticket. Blue for first place Red for second and Green for third.
Don’t step out of line
On the paper ticket an umpire would print. Your name age group name of athletics event. And how much time it took you to cross the Finish Line.
What is your favourite colour?
I won many different coloured tickets. And I licked the back of them and stuck them into my Scrapbook.
Perfect photo fit finish!
I enjoyed even more excitement content happiness and pride. When my name and photo were in the local newspaper. When I came first.
Mother nature is simply…natural beauty
I was always fascinated by the beautiful green grass. Which was always cut and trimmed. To look like a real professional Running Track.
Everything runs smoothly like clockwork
All my life I loved keeping perfect time management. When the men held the stop watch high above their head. I was told to stand behind my starting line. When the same men with the stop watch. Triggered the gun. All of us all ran for our lives.
Coming around the mountain!
At the end of the race track. There were women who picked out who was first second or third.
Victory is my triumphant success
On the first race of my life. The 100 meter sprint. I came first.
I love myself!
Wow that felt great!
Sports gear fit for a champion
My parents bought for me. New shorts a T-shirt and expensive Adidas runners.
The Jester made the King…laugh
I felt like I was King of Track and Field.
Look before you leap!
Which reminds me I was also keen on Long Jump Hurdles and Hop Skip and Jump.
Ever wanted to try the throwing the Discuss but did not know how?
Do you wanna find out how easy it is? 😉
Catch ya in my next blog! 😊
Blue Heaven with style!

Racing for the ride of your life!