By Evangelos Papamichael
Blog Ship Ahoy and the glory of joy!
By Evangelos Papamichael
To be or not to be…
How do you approach a client to write a B2B email marketing campaign for, them?
You just don’t see
Ask to meet up with the client either in person or over the phone.
Do you want to be carefree?
Prepare some questions queries or anything you are not sure, about.
I am lost out in the sea!
Before this have a look at their website or blog.
One two three…
Investigate how they market their products or services.
Go for a swim in the sea salt sea
Is it an effective approach? Do they get results and make sales?
I think you are barking up the wrong tree!
Perhaps read reviews on their satisfied customers.
Them …you and…me
Work out how you can improve on their efforts.
Can you count to three?
Ask for a brief meeting with the client.
Believe, me!
Have your questions prepared.
Have a cup of tea
Ask them, firstly. What do they think needs to be improved? And why do they need Evan’s help?
Not exactly what I wanted to see
At this stage ask to see samples of their previous email marketing campaigns.
Is this what you wanted from me?
Try to trace out where there are flaws and how Evan can rectify the problem.
Are you bright as a firefly?
Who is their target audience? And how Evan can find improve on this?
Or buzzing like a bumble bee
Try to find a gap in the market. Suggest how Evan can fill this.
All of this is a mystery to, me!
Is their approach lacking on something which their competitors have overtaken?
If you can’t solve the problem…the Chief will work it out
Find out how the company through Evan’s emails can address these issues.
Try not to shout
And satisfy their prospects’ wants needs and desires.
It is around…about!
Think of buyer persona.
It took my mind inside…out
Define it and explain it to your client.
Do not be a drop out
This is the age group demographics interests and pain points of the prospects.
It is something you always think about
That need to be rectified.
You hit the Jackpot!
Explain how Evan can meet these needs.
Hit me with your best shot
You must be a Crackpot!
What is the offer by the client to his prospects?
I am Royal as Camelot
Highlight how this will benefit his customers.
Are you a Gold Digger?
Will there be follow up emails?
I have my finger on the trigger!
How will Evan write welcome emails to introduce his client’s product or service to customers or prospects?
And the winner is…
It has to be formal but friendly engaging and welcoming.
Ever wanted to know how to click on a link that welcomes you with open arms? 😉
Wanna find out how? 😊
Catchya in my next blog!
Planet Saturn Trio
Photo by NASA Hubble Space Telescope on Unsplash

Jupiter Saturn and Mercury