Budget Brainiacs (Direct Response Copy Sample)

Direct Response Copy – Budget Brainiacs

By Evangelos Papamichael

Use these simple secrets billionaires teach their own kids. To help your child erase debt and build a secure financial future!



“Here’s the simple secret to ensuring your child’s financial future.

Discover the secrets billionaires use to ensure their children’s financial success.

Here’s how your kids can use these same secrets to build a fortune of their own.”


The sky is blue. The sea is a deeper blue, sparkling with sunlight. A gentle breeze comes drifting in from the ocean, clean and refreshing, as your maid brings you breakfast in bed. For a moment, you think you have died and gone to heaven. But this paradise is real. And affordable. In fact, it costs only half as much to live this dream lifestyle… as it would to stay in your own home!

Here is how it began…

Two teenagers were fishing by the beach. They both had big dreams, as they sat by the beautiful calm blue sea. Jake Goldberg (age 17) wanted to one day learn how to invest in property and become wealthy.

Beth Armstrong (age 16) dreamt about helping the financially disadvantaged members of society, by having access to food, clothing and shelter.

The burning yellow sun shone above them and reflected their ambitions and promising fate.

What was to follow?

They needed guidance from a higher power.

Something fun, exciting and rewarding. Which taught them skills which were practical, simple and would lead to continuous financial security.

What was this panacea?

They were introduced to a program that eliminated debt. An offer was made by Mary Kane, to trial her system for free for one month.

It sorted out their money woes; with, practical, proven, methodical: games, videos and quizzes.

They were fun to learn, easy to understand and gained successful results.

The outcome, was: positive spending habits and bigger bank savings accounts.

Jake’s dream was to become a Real Estate Agent. He wanted to teach others how to invest in property.

He was successful at dealing with beach front properties for sale in Hawaii.

Jake’s clients were mainly Corporates.

Beth managed to set up a Food Bank where she provided low cost/free - clothing, food and essentials for the under privileged.

The story unfolded like this…

The waves rocked the beach one by one and made trickles of blue circles.

Jake caught three Bluegill (Bream).

His friends arrived and rang into applause since they were amazed since this was going to be a dramatic moment.

“Jake is up to his old tricks again”, somebody chuckled.

The group laughed. They were all certain that Jake did not know a thing about saving money.

“Can he really manage his finances?” I heard a girl whisper to Beth.

“You bet he can”, Beth exclaimed.

“He never knew a thing in his life about balancing a budget. But just you watch him. This is going to be good.”

Jake tried to make the most of the situation. With mock and dignity he pulled out a savings calculator and drew out an equation of how he managed to make $40 savings and then $70, each week, for six weeks concurrently.

Then the crowd was amazed.

“What do you think of his technique?” called a voice from the rear.

“We’re in favour of it!” came back the answer, and the crowd rocked with laughter.

Then Jake started to calculate and count.

Instantly, a tense silence fell on the group.

The laughter died on their lips as if by magic.

Jake demonstrated how through practice exercises from: games, videos, quizzes, tests and study guides he was no longer so spendthrift and wasteful.

He could confidently and competently pay off all his bills and have cash left over for a rainy day or to pay for a deposit on a car or buy a Lap Top. His friends sat breathless ----spellbound!

A Complete Triumph!

Everyone was exclaiming with delight asking Jake questions.  “Jake! Why didn’t you tell me you were so crafty with cash! Where did you learn! How long have you studied? Who was your teacher?”

“Quit your kidding”, laughed Jake, himself an accomplished saver. “You’ve been studying for years. I can tell.”

“I have been studying only for a short while”, he insisted.

“I decided to keep it a secret so that I could surprise all you folks.”

Then he told them the whole story.

“Have you heard about Budget Brainiacs?”,he asked.

His friends all nodded. “That’s a correspondence program you discovered online, isn’t it?” they exclaimed.

“Exactly”, he replied.

“They have a new simplified method of saving money in just a few months.”

How I learned to save without a Teacher

And Jake explained how for years he had longed to save money.

“A few months ago”, he continued, “I saw an interesting ad for Budget Brainiacs online – a new method to balance your finances – which only costs $1 per month to join.

They told how a teenager called Beth mastered the money savings technique online from home on her Lap Top and without a teacher.

Best of all, the wonderful new method she used, required no physical class attendance, no heartless exercises – no tiresome practising.

It sounded so convincing that I filled out the subscription form requesting the free Demonstration Lesson.

The free e book arrived promptly and I started on that very night to study the Demonstration Lesson. I was amazed to see how easy it was to save money. Then I enrolled in the program.

When the course arrived I found it was just as the ad said – as easy as A.B.C.! And as the lessons continued they got easier and easier. Before I knew it I was building up my bank balance.

Nothing stopped me. I could confidently pay my bills and expenses and have money left over for a rainy day."

Pay Off Any Bill

You too can teach yourself how to monitor your spending habits and be a top notch saver – right at home – in half the usual time. You can’t go wrong with this simple new method which has already shown thousands of teenagers and young adults how to save money.

Forget the old-fashioned idea that you need special “talent”. No matter whether you are a mere beginner or already a good saver, you’ll be interested in learning about this new method.

Send for a Free Booklet and Demonstration Lesson.

Thousands of successful students have dreamt of making it rich until it was revealed to them by a remarkable “Savings Ability Test” which they send entirely without cost with their interesting free e booklet.

If you are earnest about becoming rich and if you really want to gain happiness and increase your popularity – send out for the free booklet and Demonstration Lesson.

No cost – no obligation.

Right now they are making a Special Offer for a limited number of new students.

Fill out the Subscription Form and Apply before it’s too late and gain the benefits of this offer.

Ultra Specificity


Budget Brainiacs was created by, Mary Kane Inc. a Mom who is a banking executive and has also earned her MBA.

I’m not surprised an overwhelming majority of parents selected such an amazing resource.

As a member you and your kids will learn how to form a substantial bank balance which will exceed all former expectations and ensure you are guaranteed leisure and pleasure.


We are not looking at you for profits and we do not need your support or approval. You never met anyone like us and you never received a letter like this before now. I am offering you a rare opportunity here in these pages. We are not looking for buyers but doers.

Either way I am sure you’ll be surprised and continue reading, what I reveal in this letter.





When you join Budget Brainiacs we’ll send you access to…

  • A fun web-based program and a club for families with children ages 10 and up.
  • Its mission is to be a destination site kids can look forward to visiting while they learn critical financial skills and earn rewards from us.
  • Parents help their children log on to their personal game page, and then the kids go through a series of games and other tasks to learn how money matters work.
  • It includes learning channels on bank accounts, applying for jobs and apartments, creating a monthly budget, buying a car, establishing a savings account, and much more.





If you and your children aren’t absolutely fascinated with this new website, you may get a refund for your subscription within the 15 - day preview and owe absolutely nothing.

But I’m convinced that when you see your children’s genuine looks of excitement as they explore the world of saving money you’ll want to keep it.

When you give your children access to Budget Brainiacs you’ll be doing much more than encouraging an active interest in finance and saving money.

Your children will develop strengths – when kids view savings as a fun, enjoyable activity, their financial literacy skills improve naturally.

This captivating website guides your children on an incredible journey through games and activities that leaves them eager to venture deeper into the exciting world of money.


It sparks your children’s interest into money matters. Easy-to-do activities help your children discover and develop sharp, inquisitive minds buzzing with bright ideas for financial freedom.




You and your children can try it for one month free. If you are not happy you get all your money back with not a penny owing to us.

But I am certain that when your kids tell you how amazed, excited and happy they are with Budget Brainiacs you will be the first to recommend it to family and friends.

Your youngsters will develop stronger financial skills and have fun and enjoyable activities to follow and they will form wise money saving habits.

And they will be positively conscious about being economisers through their participation in fun educational and practical games and activities, online, through the Budget Brainiacs website.

It will spark your child’s interest into money matters.

There will be easy to follow and do tasks; and, problem solving steps and your kids will form sharp positively nurtured minds with bright ideas that will lead to financial freedom and prosperity.




Graham Ziegler – Financial Planer

Money Matters

Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Why I’m convinced your child can save money through Budget Brainiacs.”

 Dear Friend,

As a Financial Planner, I’ve seen just about every habit under the sun, in this industry. None, however has the devastation on a child at school and in adulthood than poor savings skills.

It’s not surprising that concerned parents approach me often and raise their concern on their children’s cash splurges.

They try to teach kids money wisdom and establish positive saving habits.

But this is unfortunately not the answer.

Why? Because children want a stimulating, entertaining and fun way to learn, which is ongoing with happy and lucrative results.

What is the golden key to success?

Budget Brainiacs!

It lets the little ones play games and watch videos ongoing to a point where they develop the potential and ability to be money smart and gain prosperity as school children and later on in adulthood.

These are the benefits too. Once learning how to set up a budget - they not only save up for a rainy day but also can plan ahead for purchases of a car, home or travel.

While at the same time, knowing and being capable of paying their bills.

There is a downside in children later being in debt. It can be devastating and depressing.

But with early intervention and learning, this problem can be fixed simply through Budget Brainiacs training.



Graham Zeigler, Financial Planner

Money Matters

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Jane Armstrong,

Letter to her Credit Counsellor

“Learn why I cried when I wrote this letter…”

You should know that I am crying as I write this letter.


Because I am so emotional about the Budget Brainiacs program.

Six months ago I was devastated. Facing ongoing debt through poor savings habits.

I was thousands of dollars in the red.

I was squeezing myself to make ends meet.

I was lost.

Then a friend introduced me to Budget Brainiacs.  A fun way to take control of my money through fun exciting and easy to follow games, videos, exercises, tools and tasks.

Sure I was sceptical at first.

But I was also ready to try almost anything.

Sure enough a week after starting the Budget Brainiacs program I saved $200 and then another $150.

Now, after only 6 weeks from starting with this online tool I have banked $650.

I am actually back in the black at the bank.

When I was losing money, saving was close to impossible. With the correct mindset and proper focus on spending I cleaned up!

My parents and teachers are happy and so are my classmates.

Maybe now you can see why I cry when I talk to you about the amazing Budget Brainiacs tools and modules.

It changed my life – I feel like a new person in a position of financial freedom.



Jane Armstrong

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


  • IDEA


“My local mommy group has done a lot of research to try and find programs that teach our kids about money. Most websites are too cartoon-y/childish. We needed something for older kids (tweens), which was very hard to find. Then we came across Budget Brainiacs and all I can say is HOORAY! Each of us enrolled in the Club and our kids love earning points for stuff they really want… while also learning how to budget for things and avoid debt.”

  • Sanders

“I’m a professional mommy blogger who gets about 30,000 hits on my website each month. Based on the comments on my blog posts about Budget Brainiacs, you have a home run! My readers are very enthusiastic about this club. Their kids are buzzing about the points they can earn for cool prizes… but also they can talk about how dumb it is to rack up debt and how you should plan ahead for big expenses. These comments are coming from 13-year-olds! Wow! So glad you’re out there.

Thank you.”

  • Walters

“I home-school my children and I’m always looking for ways to bring real-life lessons into my teaching. Your program is fantastic. Every day, my kids ask… when are we going to Budget Brainiacs? They love the games and they especially love earning points when they pass the quizzes. They each opened a bank account, and now they understand how interest works. It’s such a relief to know my children will be well prepared for managing their money when they embark on their own lives as adults.”

  • Bazell



Budget Brainiacs was created by a mom (Mary Kane) who’s also a banking executive and who has earned her MBA.

She represents all the moms who see their adult children struggle with money issues, ill-prepared for even the most basic financial situations in life.

She created this Club to finally offer parents an easy and proven way to motivate their children to learn to take control of their financial lives when they leave high school and/or college.


The main purpose behind the product is this:

The unique and fun club/membership provides a FUN way to teach your children about financial health so they can stay solvent in their early adult years and beyond.

With your secure online membership, your kids can play games and complete tasks that give them a solid foundation for budgeting and managing all aspects of their financial lives.

The secret is that it’s fun and rewarding while also teaching valuable skills!

USP (Unique Selling Proposition)


Kids flock to the web now to connect with friends, find cool things to do, and enjoy games and other pursuits.

However, an online financial-lessons website for older kids 10 and up – one that’s fun, enlightening and rewarding – is very hard to find.

Budget Brainiacs is an online community that will make a huge difference in alleviating your children’s money worries once they’re on their own. In fact, it may help start them on a path to complete financial security!



Your children or grandchildren are your biggest asset. Nothing comes between you and them.

You work for, educate, nurture and provide for them.

But how will they cope (financially) as teens or young adults.

You are the decision maker for all their purchases and financial considerations.

Everything from the weekly groceries to setting up and funding college savings accounts.

You are too busy to teach them about money basics.

Is there an easy, entertaining and rewarding program that kids will actually follow?

An affordable price-point is also important.

How can you balance your budget and teach your kids likewise?

The answer for guaranteed financial success is: Budget Brainiacs!




The unique and fun club/membership provides a FUN way to teach your children about financial health so they can stay solvent in their early adult years and beyond.


In a few words, Budget Brainiacs membership is the most effective introduction to the world of financial savings and solvency. You may no longer have to fear that your children (or grandchildren) will face unstoppable credit debt.


The secret is that it’s fun and rewarding while also teaching valuable skills. USP

You see Budget Brainiacs is a unique club.

It’s the country’s only national financial decision maker and savings, educator.



 Once again, the time to take advantage of Budget Brainiacs is right now! By the time you see a decline in bringing down your children’s’ debts, it’s going to be too late!

Join our club and fix it!



In this brief letter, we have only been able to skim the surface of the opportunities… adventures… money-making and money-saving strategies presented in each and every lesson/activity of Budget Brainiacs. And for every topic covered, Budget Brainiacs includes the best information available… from banking experts to the wants and needs for mothers/grandmothers and their kids.

It would cost you hundreds of dollars to get this advice on your own. But this information comes to you in a simple, concise form as part of your subscription to Budget Brainiacs.

The same is true for all the videos and games that Budget Brainiacs offers. You get information that would cost you hundreds of dollars annually, and take hours of your time to complete – if you had to compile - or arrange it all on your own.

Join the Budget Brainiacs Club Today and Receive:

 $280 in Free Valuable

“Get Started” Savings Gifts.

When you join The Budget Brainiacs Club, we’ll send you…



The Smart Start Savings Program

This report contains everything you need to get started on your savings schedule.

We’ll show you how to craft a strict budget, how to create a “grabber” wise dollar spender, how to structure your spending in such a way that gets positive results.

Value: $40 – Yours for Free


The Spending Killer

We show you how to make as much as $1000 dollars extra for your bank account by reading this guide for just 15 minutes per day.

Value: $60 – Yours for Free


An e book with 1000 insider secrets to save money.

Value: $80 – Yours for Free


A Financial Calculator that figures out interest rates and payments over time.

Value: $100 – Yours for Free

Fill out the SECURE ORDER FORM BELOW today, and lock in this special rate for as long as you choose to remain a member of the Club. You will receive:

  • Where you can log on anytime of the day or night to…

Watch free instructional videos and lectures.

Enter 3 money contests each month where you can win $1000!

Take advantage of valuable members-only discounts on the Club’s programs, seminars, webinars, books, and courses.

Join a worldwide COMMUNITY of Coaches on our website (and our private Facebook page) who are eager to exchange ideas and answer questions while they motivate and inspire you to succeed as a rich person.

  • TWELVE MONTHLY ISSUES OF “Balance your Budget” Magazine!

Our Club’s magazine will be delivered to you on the first Friday of every month via password-protected email.

You’ll find motivational advice. Savings tips. Success secrets. Everything you need to know to get going - and keep going – on this exciting and fun pass time.


If you’re worried, that our kind of “Money” is not your cup of tea, RELAX!

You can quit at any time. If you decide to cancel your membership within the first 365 days, just shoot us an email and we’ll send all your money back. No quibbles and no questions asked.

If you decide to cancel later, we’ll simply remove the annual dues from your credit card and you’ll be under no further obligation. You won’t owe us a penny.

As soon as you send in your secure order form, we’ll email you a confirmation with a password that gives you INSTANT ACCESS to everything we’ve promised. You’ll also get a phone number for Member Services in case you have any questions or concerns. So fill out the order form below…click submit…and start watching your email box NOW!

Continuous Service Guarantee

When you sign-up for a 12-month subscription to the Budget Brainiacs Club, you’ll be billed for the first year at the discounted rate. With our continuous service guarantee, you’ll lock in the rate, and enjoy continuous service with automatic billing every year.

That way you maintain your membership, hassle free, at the lowest price.

You can cancel any time, and during the first year of your membership, you can get a full refund of your purchase price – even if you cancel on the 365th day!


The Budget Brainiacs Club– Annual Membership                  Price

$24/year per person


$1.00/per month


$24/year per person


$1.00/per month

First Name

Last Name

Company Name

Address – Line 1

Address - Line 2



(Choose Country first to update State Listing)

Zip Code


Phone Number

Email Address

Order summary

Subtotal              $24/year per person OR $1.00 per month

Total Due            $24/year per person OR $1.00 per month

Payment Information

Credit Card

Credit Card Type

Credit Card Number                  Expiration Date

Place Order



It is impossible to put a dollar value on the information you’ll receive as an annual Budget Brainiacs member – through your monthly subscription with access to games, videos and lessons.

Furthermore, there’s no telling what a financial advisor would charge if your kids had a history of crippling debts and he aggressively had to remedy the problem.

But membership of Budget Brainiacs won’t even cost you half or one third or one quarter of that.

As a special invitee - someone we’ve singled out for membership in our Club – you can join for a mere $1.00 per month or $24 for one year – a savings of 50%.



Do you agree you should sample Budget Brainiacs, especially since you can have it more than 50% off the usual price?

Do you agree you should give me the opportunity to prove my point?

That you deserve the best, and this is it?

Do you agree you can’t lose, since I’m taking all the risk as proof that we do want you in the best select Club we regard as “family” - those who have tested the royalty of fine steaks?

Add an additional, unexpected benefit

And even if you never take advantage of any of the exciting ideas in each lesson of Budget Brainiacs, you’ll still find your subscription well worth the price. You see, Budget Brainiacs is entertaining and informative.

It can bring you excitement and glamour in the comfort of your Lap Top.

Budget Brainiacs is your passport to a brighter, more exciting, and more adventuresome financial future.



The sooner you start, the better you’ll feel. So order today.

I honestly believe you’ll enjoy being a member of Budget Brainiacs… And because this may be the only invitation you’ll receive this year, I urge you to fill out the enclosed subscription form with your dues today.



Should Budget Brainiacs not measure up to your expectations, you may cancel this trial arrangement at any point and receive a refund for the undelivered portion of your subscription.


 P.S. In years to come, this treasured work of dream savings will be a reminder – perhaps to generations yet unborn – of America’s finest learning tool.



Evangelos Papamichael

Master Web Copywriter
